Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sucks, It doesn't Suck

          The Republican party doesn't suck because it is a group that represents a certain populations's ideas, whether or not all the ideals make sense; that's another story.
          Obama doesn't suck because first off, he is OUR president of the United States, so without being political, you should be bipartisan and support your leader.
          Harry Potter doesn't suck because it is a great entertaining book/movie series all ages. It opens up the imagination for children which is great.
         Apple sucks. Apple is completely overpriced hardware that tries to take more and more money from you when other brands like dell, overpower Apple's hardware capabilities, and Microsoft, overpowers its software, for less.
         Star Wars doesn't suck because it opens the mind of what is possible to the future, sure moving things with our mind isn't the thing we've mastered yet, but creating arms that look and work just like a biological one gives we humans goals to attain.
          Facebook doesn't suck because it helps create our world smaller, helps humans feel not different from each other; and I believe it helps dissolve the racial tensions by making everyone a "facebook friend" rather a "black friend" or "asian friend."
          Mcdonalds doesn't suck because I absolutely love their food; this is so opinionated.
          Clemson University doesn't suck. Although the school is run like a business to suck money out of students--like iClickers--and parents, it still provides a great atmosphere for fun like the greek life or the football games while providing a good academically challenging environment.
          Lady Gaga doesn't suck. Her vocals are one of the most astounding of our time, and yes she might dress oddly, it is only strange because it isn't something I would or you wouldn't wear; and I take an artist by their talent, not their wardrobe.
          Justin Bieber sucks. I honestly could probably write a story on how his songs are one of the most pathetic verse holding songs.
          Sudoku doesn't suck. I have always liked challenges and puzzles with numbers is pretty much a shoe-in when I want to pass time away with music when in an airport or at work.
          Avatar doesn't suck. I can't say it is amazing because it copied a lot of elements from some videogames, but it did do wonders on the 3D project for movies.
          Xbox 360 doesn't suck because I like to play video games and it is the only console that is practical while fulfilling gaming needs.
         American Idol sucks. I don't if people realize this, but I can only name four people who won that I have heard on the radio more than a week, and I think there were more than four winners so far.
        Glee sucks. I don't even watch it.
        Cigarettes suck. They are terrible for you, and prevents your body from relieving stress a natural way, and makes you a much irritable person while not looking attractive.
        Guns don't suck. I don't own any but I have shot a few and it sure is fun, and I also think we have the right to own any kind of weapon because it is in the Constitution.
         Abortion doesn't suck. I believe in the fundamental right of liberty and that choice of abortion is up to you, but I will never take that right from if I didn't feel like I would do it; and this has to do with guns because just because I don't own guns doesn't mean you can't.
        This doesn't suck because its funny.

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