Thursday, July 21, 2011

choosing words and pictures

I have never heard of Adbusters, but then again, I don't really read magazines. Only magazines I do read are TIME and Rolling Stones. This magazine I saw in Barnes and Noble though made me curious of what they would say about Barack Obama's "The only question that haunts the President" and serious face which was right above a revolutionist's giant face and to the right of Katy Perry's "sex, God, and cupcakes." As I flipped through the pages to find the article I could tell this magazine was fear bringing magazine. Containing articles on how America is messing up or has messed up, revolutions and so on. I reached it the article. After reading it they tried to give off an image of soulless killer, or assassin, by starting the article off by describing Obama's "military doctrine...shift away from the 'hammer' toward the 'scalpel.' " The choice of words really does make a difference. For example, they described what a drone's bombing does by writing "Often civilian deaths are impossible to tabulate, as drone bombs rip bodies literally to shreds, leaving nothing to count. "it's not moral,."" Then later it brought up that America could soon be the target of drones and ended off with "Will American civilians soon know what it means to be called collateral damage?" I thought I was reading a Glenn beck article. The logic they use isn't real. They try to argue that sending our forces in, which will still cause civilian casualties as well as U.S casualties, is better than using UAVs. I would much rather be a scalpel where we don't lose U.S troops rather be a hammer and lose our soldiers.

       White, Micah. "Obama Escalates Shadow War."Adbusters of America July 2011: 54-55.

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