Monday, July 11, 2011

Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures.
Think about the time of the dinosaurs and all the animals we have that lived there. Yes, not a lot of animals come to mind. In fact the first thought was probably "reptiles were there, I know crocodiles were." That is amazing to begin with because these creatures lived millions of years ago. Your breed of dog didn't exist 2000 years ago. Along with the longevity of this species, they had to deal with dinosaurs, huge beasts that roamed earth and water; giving explanation to why they are up to eighteen feet long in the Nile river. Massive Jaws and muscle filled body covered by tough scaly skin makes them one of the most feared animals in the world from the power they posses to kill. Although their ability to kill stands out, they are elusive creatures. Almost majestic one could say. They blend in with brush and swamp beachheads, and are invisible in the water enabling them to be one of the longest lived species.

Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures.
Think of a log with legs. That basically sums up the look of a crocodile. It's almost a giant stick bug that kills mammals and fish instead. Yes, a funny looking log with teeth, with nubs as it's feet. It is the most inflexible animal on land, as it has to sway its whole body just to bite something. This right here limits its ability to hunt on land, so it has to live near water. This is an animal with legs that can't hunt on land--wow. What also harangues this log is the need for sunning itself. It has to be out in the sun for a period of time to warm up because it has picked up the self heating ability that all 99% of other animals have. 

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