Friday, July 29, 2011

Rough Draft

I know it says on the header Knauf 7, for some reason it wouldn't convert, it's right on my paper though.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


How do I know this is reality? Because I have a terrible feeling about this test I have to take in less than two hours. My PCAT. The test that dictates whether or not I stay in Clemson for another year, and will be the hardest test I've taken. I know this real because in my "fantasy world," I would automatically get in pharmacy school, or better yet, I would just win the Mega Millions. Stressing and studying like crazy, and the reason why I haven't been able to keep up with this english paper or my marketing class.

Monday, July 25, 2011


This movie starts out with a little humor on how he looks like a writer because he is a mess. Then something amazing happens to the main character. Then it could all backfire or turn ugly if he doesn't solve a problem. He solves the problem just like all movies.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

day 14

I decided to take on architecture instead of an actual artwork because I almost became an architect instead of a pharmacist. So I decided to use a building which is seen by most people in America, Mcdonalds. Not just any Mcdonalds, but the new one. Their new building designs around the "McCafe" is truly genius. It all started back in 2008 when the economy was in complete disarray, and everyone, including fast food, was trying to cut costs. Even though the economy was tanking, the major fast food industries including Mcdonalds, were still profiting because of the low prices on food for the people who were out of jobs or pay decreased. Mcdonalds decided to take this opportunity of new customers to suck them in when this recession was over and beat all the other competing fast food burger joints. So they took the old look, and decided to make a more modern, relaxing look, the McCafe. In this picture I took from my car, there are a lot of new modern-like feels that resonate from the building.
Let's start from the top of the building. The giant Arches has turned into a long single arch with the name in a bold white, instead of an obnoxious yellow. This single arch actually stimulates a calmness because there is no sudden peak but a steady climb. Next the stone walls and pillars. Lots of houses and modern buildings are including stone surfaces or looks and pulling away from wood or composite. It's strange, almost as if we decided we like the feel of living in a cave again. Next we have the beach tent roofs which are much more different than the previous plastic or metal roof extension from the building.
So this building's goal is to lure people to come relax with friends and have a meal or come do some online work with some food and free Wi-fi. What's crazy, is that it works. People don't associate Mcdonalds McCafe style buildings with fast-food as often, or have preferred it over other fast food restaurants because of the more luxury feel it gives off. Beach style tents, with stone pillars and iron gates looks much better than plastic roofing with metal chairs. Just like how nicer houses sell better, nicer buildings sell dollar burgers better too.


Two questions to ask in my paper, or interviews...
Why do you have to have this certain brand, rather this brand, which is the exact same but cheaper?
Overall, are you happy with your life, do you feel overwhelmed with your "stuff?"

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The first main problem is the background because it forces the designer to used outrageously bright colors because the background is a space background. There is also 20 different font sizes and styles with different Word Arts and everything. It also has this stupid paragraph shaped into a diamond.
This website knows how to advertise obviously because it is a major car company with a well known car, the Chevy Camaro. This web design has a plain easy feeling background that lets the chevy red, ZL1 stand out. The font used is soft kind of font, with edges smoothed out and the use of gray, an indecisive color. This doesn't turn people away like a bright pink or solid green could do. Furthermore, this is my favorite american car of all time so I will love this web design in any shape or form.

choosing words and pictures

I have never heard of Adbusters, but then again, I don't really read magazines. Only magazines I do read are TIME and Rolling Stones. This magazine I saw in Barnes and Noble though made me curious of what they would say about Barack Obama's "The only question that haunts the President" and serious face which was right above a revolutionist's giant face and to the right of Katy Perry's "sex, God, and cupcakes." As I flipped through the pages to find the article I could tell this magazine was fear bringing magazine. Containing articles on how America is messing up or has messed up, revolutions and so on. I reached it the article. After reading it they tried to give off an image of soulless killer, or assassin, by starting the article off by describing Obama's "military doctrine...shift away from the 'hammer' toward the 'scalpel.' " The choice of words really does make a difference. For example, they described what a drone's bombing does by writing "Often civilian deaths are impossible to tabulate, as drone bombs rip bodies literally to shreds, leaving nothing to count. "it's not moral,."" Then later it brought up that America could soon be the target of drones and ended off with "Will American civilians soon know what it means to be called collateral damage?" I thought I was reading a Glenn beck article. The logic they use isn't real. They try to argue that sending our forces in, which will still cause civilian casualties as well as U.S casualties, is better than using UAVs. I would much rather be a scalpel where we don't lose U.S troops rather be a hammer and lose our soldiers.

       White, Micah. "Obama Escalates Shadow War."Adbusters of America July 2011: 54-55.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

       Kasser, Tim. The High Price of Materialism. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2002. Print.
This book is great because it reads about the different possible reasons why people are so materialistic. It also goes into the detriments on the people, and society for being so materialistic.

      Wuthnow, Robert. Rethinking Materialism: Perspectives on the Spiritual Dimension of Economic Behavior. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1995. Print.
This book delves into the problems and devastation materialism is having on America's population when only a small percentage are the exorbitant materialistic. The difference in this book that probably won't be found in others, is that it also refers to some small measure of materialism as a good thing. I think that will definitely give a good counter argument and maybe a solution to the growing problem of materialism.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How obnoxious america is with materialism is just, well obnoxious. How many people actually think their shirt is worth the 60 or 120 dollars they spend, or if they need a 424 horsepower car? Does your only child require the 4 extra bedrooms you have? those pants are a size 00, wait? so you technically don't have legs? The fact that so many people feel obliged to be told by steve jobs that this is the new item to have, even though the ipad 2 does nothing significantly new than the first? Why do we have to be so elitist then complain we don't have real friends. Is the main goal in our society to rise up to the top and have no friends but fans instead? fans that are striving for the same thing. Buying the new shirt or car just to be the cooler, the greener, the riskier person. But the real question is, does it make us happy? does money truly buy happiness now? Have we been told enough times that the new thing will make us happy? does this explain our materialistic view? Lets find out.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sucks, It doesn't Suck

          The Republican party doesn't suck because it is a group that represents a certain populations's ideas, whether or not all the ideals make sense; that's another story.
          Obama doesn't suck because first off, he is OUR president of the United States, so without being political, you should be bipartisan and support your leader.
          Harry Potter doesn't suck because it is a great entertaining book/movie series all ages. It opens up the imagination for children which is great.
         Apple sucks. Apple is completely overpriced hardware that tries to take more and more money from you when other brands like dell, overpower Apple's hardware capabilities, and Microsoft, overpowers its software, for less.
         Star Wars doesn't suck because it opens the mind of what is possible to the future, sure moving things with our mind isn't the thing we've mastered yet, but creating arms that look and work just like a biological one gives we humans goals to attain.
          Facebook doesn't suck because it helps create our world smaller, helps humans feel not different from each other; and I believe it helps dissolve the racial tensions by making everyone a "facebook friend" rather a "black friend" or "asian friend."
          Mcdonalds doesn't suck because I absolutely love their food; this is so opinionated.
          Clemson University doesn't suck. Although the school is run like a business to suck money out of students--like iClickers--and parents, it still provides a great atmosphere for fun like the greek life or the football games while providing a good academically challenging environment.
          Lady Gaga doesn't suck. Her vocals are one of the most astounding of our time, and yes she might dress oddly, it is only strange because it isn't something I would or you wouldn't wear; and I take an artist by their talent, not their wardrobe.
          Justin Bieber sucks. I honestly could probably write a story on how his songs are one of the most pathetic verse holding songs.
          Sudoku doesn't suck. I have always liked challenges and puzzles with numbers is pretty much a shoe-in when I want to pass time away with music when in an airport or at work.
          Avatar doesn't suck. I can't say it is amazing because it copied a lot of elements from some videogames, but it did do wonders on the 3D project for movies.
          Xbox 360 doesn't suck because I like to play video games and it is the only console that is practical while fulfilling gaming needs.
         American Idol sucks. I don't if people realize this, but I can only name four people who won that I have heard on the radio more than a week, and I think there were more than four winners so far.
        Glee sucks. I don't even watch it.
        Cigarettes suck. They are terrible for you, and prevents your body from relieving stress a natural way, and makes you a much irritable person while not looking attractive.
        Guns don't suck. I don't own any but I have shot a few and it sure is fun, and I also think we have the right to own any kind of weapon because it is in the Constitution.
         Abortion doesn't suck. I believe in the fundamental right of liberty and that choice of abortion is up to you, but I will never take that right from if I didn't feel like I would do it; and this has to do with guns because just because I don't own guns doesn't mean you can't.
        This doesn't suck because its funny.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Writing isn't easy for me. I like to write as if I am speaking because I feel it gets my point across better. Of course you can't write like that though when it is more of formal writing like an analysis of a paper. I found looking for the right cartoon harder than actually breaking down the cartoon. I guess that is because I am never sure if something is completely perfect, but then again that is good because I always want to improve. Sometimes though that can be bad because you don't know when to be happy with the way some things are. I'm also worn out from writing and on this family road trip that I am on. Hopefully I have this paper written well, but who knows, and I also can't figure out how to post my paper in a link.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 4. Plagiarism, candy

Would you to invent the ipod? No because it is already invented and you could never prove to people you invented because lets face it, it has existed for years now. It is the same way with papers. If I were to use someone's paper from online it could easily be seen because all they do is paste a couple sentences on google search and boom. That paper I just used would be the first to pop up. Also, if it is a great paper, it may seem I am a great writer but once the teacher or whoever finds out I didn't actually make the Ipod or write that paper, they would just lose respect for me. I don't like losing respect so I would just never do it. I would much rather my paper be bad than lose your respect Mr. B.

brown, log like, soft, chewy, dark, small, turds, delicious delight awaiting, a bad bullet to shoot, oddly shaped clay, something I could throw, edible, rock, miniature log.
Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures.
Think about the time of the dinosaurs and all the animals we have that lived there. Yes, not a lot of animals come to mind. In fact the first thought was probably "reptiles were there, I know crocodiles were." That is amazing to begin with because these creatures lived millions of years ago. Your breed of dog didn't exist 2000 years ago. Along with the longevity of this species, they had to deal with dinosaurs, huge beasts that roamed earth and water; giving explanation to why they are up to eighteen feet long in the Nile river. Massive Jaws and muscle filled body covered by tough scaly skin makes them one of the most feared animals in the world from the power they posses to kill. Although their ability to kill stands out, they are elusive creatures. Almost majestic one could say. They blend in with brush and swamp beachheads, and are invisible in the water enabling them to be one of the longest lived species.

Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures.
Think of a log with legs. That basically sums up the look of a crocodile. It's almost a giant stick bug that kills mammals and fish instead. Yes, a funny looking log with teeth, with nubs as it's feet. It is the most inflexible animal on land, as it has to sway its whole body just to bite something. This right here limits its ability to hunt on land, so it has to live near water. This is an animal with legs that can't hunt on land--wow. What also harangues this log is the need for sunning itself. It has to be out in the sun for a period of time to warm up because it has picked up the self heating ability that all 99% of other animals have. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

day 2, ring pop

There is nothing more irritating than non-humored filled advertisements to me. One type in particular is the advertisement that tell little kids that big kids love-you fill in the blank--and that they are the cool thing to have or wear. Most people have seen a ring pop ad on television and the people that are in the advertisements are 15-18 years old. Last time I checked, I haven't seen a guy with tattoos all down his arm (bottom arm on picture) with his hand decorated with colorful "bling bling" that he can eat at the same time. But we all know what the message is portraying and it's goal. It is trying to get kids to buy ring pops because it's the cool thing to do, and little kids love to imitate bigger kids. So the perfect choice of actors/actresses would be ones ten years older than the targeted audience. Another example would be the sketchers shoes with wheels. You don't choose 8 year old kids because kids don't want to be told by television to do what everyone else is doing, they have their peers to do that. It's all about getting ahead of the rest of the crowd to be the leader, the one with ring pops. One thing I don't understand is the arm at the very top doesn't have a ring pop, but--from what it looks like or I'm just blind--an engagement ring. So if someone could confirm or reject that, it would be great. So in the end, the author is Ring Pop makers, the speaker are the 18 year old arms, and the target is innocent children.

About me

Hey my name is Steven Knauf currently living in Charleston, SC but moving to Atlanta in a week so everything is a little hectic at the moment. I work in concessions at a movie theater, On the Border as a server, and at a compounding pharmacy. I get to make all kinds of drugs at the pharmacy, so it's really cool. Along with drugs, my major in Clemson is Prepharmacy, and hopefully I get accepted into MUSC or the Georgia College of Pharmacy; either one will do for me. I am in the two year program at Clemson rather the regular three year program, so I get to have really hard classes all at once, and take a couple classes online this summer, marketing and this one! Getting into pharmacy school is really hard--worthwhile universities--so I have to get as many As as possible. I get to take organic chemistry, microbiology, physics, and anatomy this fall so things look just wonderful with every class having a lab with it. I'm really easygoing with what I do for fun, whether it be: sports, movies, games, boating, or just sleeping. I'm a big fan of soccer and football, but I play all sports. I like all kinds of music, old or new, except country, I don't know why I don't like country, it just bores me I guess. I've been to three continents, North and South America and Europe, and I would love to live in Italy or Switzerland when I retire. Also, since I have to mention something I "hate," I don't like the lacking understanding in people, including some of my friends, that not everyone has a great life in the case where they don't have to work for their wonderful lifestyle provided by their parents. That's me.